This will be a simple program demonstrating a real quick and dirty way to input data and then export the data into a PDF and a Excel sheet

Bonus Creadit (if extra time) will export to a Word doc as well

OpenXML is a fantastic extension that Microsoft was forced to create to avoid paying WAY more fees to the EU back in 2007 due to a lawsuit claiming they had full control of all office suites (due to lack of open sourcing the .doc extension).

The response that Microsoft came up is to convert ALL Microsoft Office extension to the magical world of XML and into a zip file.

This project should contain enough information to take a curious developer's hand to show them a quick and dirty way that I came up with using only the OpenXML package.

The reason to use this package, is it's Open Sourced directly from Microsoft itself, with the magic of an MIT license.

Standardization within Ecma International More than a year after being asked by the European Union to standardize their Office 2003 XML formats,[1] Microsoft submitted 2,000 pages of documentation for a new file format to the Ecma International consortium for it to be made into an open standard.[2]
Wiki Page with this quote
Link to the magical world of the Open XML SDK Source code
More generic documentation of what Open XML is for Microsoft and other Office applications (that decide to use the Open XML framework)
Dump Data into a Simple First Draft Excel File